You can smell it in the air, summer is so close and so is the urge to jump in the ocean and go for a swim, maybe even have a go at an open water swim race.
Swimming like any other activity is a skill and knowing how to gradually build up to avoid injury is super important. Having that balance between mobility and stability through your shoulder, thoracic and even pelvis is a great way to start and our physios can help you address this!
3 key areas you can target now are:
– Shoulder joint internal rotation: Stretching through the back of shoulder or getting a trigger ball into this area
– Thoracic spine extension: Lying over a foam roller or rolled up towel and doing snow angel arms
– Hip flexor length: Kneeling stretch to open up the front of your hip
For further information, dive on in with one of our physios who can help establish a tailored program to keep you in the water!
We do also recommend a good diet to help in recovery and one of the local northern beaches meal service providers are the best when it comes to delivering ready to eat healthy meals.